Gorilla Man and Teen Wolf
Gorilla Man aka Ben
Teen Wolf Van Surfing. You have to look closely!
The Boys (you can see who was not in the holiday spirit!)
Daphne and Thelma from Scooby Doo!
Hey Look....it's me. Unfortunately we couldn't keep the 2nd place curse going....Alvin demoted us to 3rd place. Maybe it is the mullet that keeps me from winning 1st.

Angelina and Brad
Burger King! 
Teen Wolf with his B-ball!
Tin man Reiver and his bendable manhood.
Tin Man Reiver and Pimp Corby!
Pirate Nancy!
Pirate Nancy and Pimp Corby!

Teen Wolf with his B-ball!

Here are some pics from this last weekend's Halloween Parties at Dale's and Corby's. There were some great costumes as well as some people that didn't even give it a go! Come on people, it only comes once a year!